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    NürnbergMesse China organized public welfare activity - old clothes collection
    NürnbergMesse China organized public welfare activity - old clothes collection
    NürnbergMesse China Co., Ltd. joined hands with "MAYI", a public welfare platform, to organize the old clothes collection public welfare activity from 2 to 6 September 2019 during the philanthropy week.
    CID19: Reveal the Present and Future, Transformation and Reborn of Chinese Die Casting Industry
    CID19: Reveal the Present and Future, Transformation and Reborn of Chinese Die Casting Industry
    As one of the most influential die casting trade fairs in the world, CHINA DIECASTING & CHINA NONFERROUS 2019 opens its door again to the whole world from July 17 to 19 at Shanghai New International Expo Center, using Hall N1 to N3. About 450 exhibitors will take this chance to display their new products and technologies, share the insights and visions, and discuss the opportunities and challenges in the coming years. There will be 12 onsite events focusing on the hottest topics including automotive, innovations, structural parts, and etc, which will again attract the concentration from the whole industry.
    Eureka! NürnbergMesse Makes Major Advance
    Eureka! NürnbergMesse Makes Major Advance
    Greek philosopher Archimedes supposedly said it when he completed difficult tasks. And “eureka” also seems to apply these days as a motto for NürnbergMesse Group. Because according to CEO Dr Roland Fleck, fiscal year 2018 was something like a step into a new dimension: sales of EUR 315.1 million, a profit of EUR 28 million and an EBITDA of EUR 67.9 million. Key financial figures founded on a mighty record of organised events: more than 35,000 exhibitors, more than 1.5 million visitors, and more than 1.2 million square meters of net exhibition space. On top of that, according to Fleck’s fellow CEO Peter Ottmann, Greek market leader FORUM SA will join the NürnbergMesse Group as its largest international subsidiary.
    BIOFACH CHINA 2019 celebrates successful premiere with new partner
    BIOFACH CHINA 2019 celebrates successful premiere with new partner
    From 16 to 18 May 2019, the international organic scene gathered in China at the Shanghai World EXPO Exhibition & Convention Center (SWEECC). The 13th round of BIOFACH CHINA was extremely successful: 391 exhibitors provided 18,046 visitors from all around the world with information on the latest trends and products in the organic food industry. The event was highly international, with participating companies from 22 countries and regions including Australia, Chile, Denmark, Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Romania, Thailand and Vietnam.
    Meeting the highest standards: multiple awards for Hall 3C
    Meeting the highest standards: multiple awards for Hall 3C
    Hall 3C wins tremendous prize from the highest level: the German Society for Sustainable Building (DGNB) has awarded the latest Nuremberg exhibition hall its “platinum” certificate for outstanding sustainability. According to the DGNB, there is no other exhibition hall worldwide with standards comparable to those of Halls 3A and 3C at NürnbergMesse. The exemplary fire protection system in the new hall was also awarded “Sprinkler Protected” quality certification by the Federal Association for Technical Fire Protection (bvfa).
    PAK-iD is launched in China to usher in new trends of the global intelligent packaging market
    PAK-iD is launched in China to usher in new trends of the global intelligent packaging market
    How will Industry 4.0 and the global foods, beverages and consumer goods packaging market with significant growth potentials continue to influence one another and stimulate the next round of trends? This is why PAK-iD 2019 is created, and it is also one of the most important topics for the Chinese packaging industry in 2019.
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