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    PAK-iD is launched in China to usher in new trends of the global intelligent packaging market

    Our time requires new ideas, new models, and new inventions. Robots used to exist only in science fiction, but now they have come to life and sparked discussions about ethics. Models used to understand time and space are being disrupted constantly, and packaging technologies are no exceptions. Traditional packaging is now experiencing a new reform. We see package design driven by interaction concepts, combination of food safety and medication reminder with packaging, and development and application of energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly materials to prevent excessive depletion of natural resources of the earth... How will Industry 4.0 and the global foods, beverages and consumer goods packaging market with significant growth potentials continue to influence one another and stimulate the next round of trends? This is why PAK-iD 2019 is created, and it is also one of the most important topics for the Chinese packaging industry in 2019. 

    Organized by NürnbergMesse China Co., Ltd. and supported by China Light Industry Machinery Association and the Printing and Printing Equipment Industries Association of China, PAK-iD 2019 has received support from World Packaging Organization (WPO), Europen, and global packaging businesses, and will be held at Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center (SWEECC) from May 16 to 17, 2019 to create a professional, high-tech-powered platform for the packaging industry, seek innovative approaches to drive the revolution of the food and beverage packaging industry, and connect the Chinese and European packaging markets. In 2020, PAK-iD will combine the convention with an exhibition to present futuristic technologies and applications in a more visual form. Mr. Darren Guo, Managing Director of NürnbergMesse China Co., Ltd., said, "In May, 2019, PAK-iD, CBCE and BIOFACH CHINA, all organized by NürnbergMesse China Co., Ltd., will be held for the first time concurrently in Shanghai. These sub-shows of the three fastest-growing brands from the European mother exhibitions FachPack, BrauBeviale and BIOFACH will present the most promissing business opportunities in the food and beverage sector for the next few years to the Chinese market. In particular, PAK-iD will demonstrate the growth potential of the packaging sector in a way different from other similar conferences and events organized in China. Its concept is to analyze the prospects of the Chinese packaging industry from a global perspective, to establish a professional technology platform, to build bridges between the Sino-Europe market, and to create more opportunities for business cooperation worldwide.” 

    PAK-iD, a Sub-expo of FachPack, the Veritable Champion in the Global Packaging World, Makes Its Debut in China 

    NürnbergMesse's established packaging exhibition FachPack has been around for 40 years. In 2018, more than 1,600 exhibitors showcased all product categories related to the industrial and consumer goods sectors, including packaging, technology, processing and logistics solutions, and spanning food and beverages, medicine, cosmetics, non-food, chemical, papermaking and printing industries. PackBox and TechBox are also the beacons to the future packaging industry. PAK-iD will inherit the quintessence of Fachpack and adhere to NürnbergMesse's core value that advocates "Turning ideas into value". It seeks unique insights and cutting-edge technologies that can contribute to the diversity of the packaging world, and communicates the ideas of global collaboration and the spirit of craftsmanship. 

    PAK-iD has multiple epochal meanings, as it highlights intelligence, individual, design and identity. Burgeoning technologies help to stimulate individuals' inspiration and instinct for differentiation. Innovative thinking, in turn, enriches human wisdom. In view of that, PAK-iD hopes to disseminate wisdom of the packaging world, and encourage global brainstorming to fuel the revolution of the human world. 

    Encompassing Equipment Technologies, Materials and Designs, PAK-iD Enables People to Fully Master Core Packaging Technologies 

    In China, the transformation and development of the packaging industry has captured the attention of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Commerce of China. Modern topics such as digitalization, globalization, and green sustainability are the future trends of the packaging industry. The successful organization of China International Import Expo will also contribute to greater trade liberalization and economic globalization, and promote economic and trade exchanges and cooperation between the countries of the world, and the Chinese market will see a strengthened and sustained policy for opening up in all industries and fields. 

    How to promote intelligent packaging technologies on a large scale, how to use new packaging materials to protect and improve the living environment of human beings, and how to apply packaging designs to promote retail are worthy of in-depth discussion. PAK-iD singles out the food and beverage packaging sector with an expansive global coverage for discussion, showcases the full industrial chain combining conception, technology development, procurement, production, design, and end users, and stimulates inspiration through a large-sized global forum. PAK-iD 2019 will invite more than 30 international experts from World Packaging Organization (WPO), European Packaging Institutes Consortium, Netherlands Packaging Center, Czech Packaging Institutes, Packaging Valley Germany, VVLe.V., Italian-based STI-Group, German-based Berndt +Partner, German-based Edelmann and some other institutions and enterprises to deliver speeches on new trends of the global packaging market, Packaging 4.0, customization in Europe, opportunities and challenges facing Chinese manufacturing, packaging market policies and terms in Europe, RFID and other labeling technologies, software solutions that help to improve productivity, environmentally-friendly packaging design, and quality labeling that increases the appeal of packages of wines and other alcoholic drinks, and share real-life business case. 

    Intelligence is based on technology, and creativity enhances attractiveness. PAK-iD 2019 enables a fully understanding of all aspects of intelligent packaging. You can become an expert on global packaging without traveling abroad. We look forward to meeting you at Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center (SWEECC) from May 16 to 17.

    Rm. 3507-3510, Tower 1, Kerry Everbright City No. 218 Tianmu Rd. (W) 200070
    Shanghai P.R.China
    Tel: +86(0)21.6036-1206
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