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    Eureka! NürnbergMesse Makes Major Advance
    • Fiscal year 2018 beat all previous company records for both financial and event figures
    • Internationalisation strategy gains significant further momentum with investment in Greek market leader FORUM SA
    • Dynamic performance continues in 2019, adjusting for lower-sales event cycle

    Greek philosopher Archimedes supposedly said it when he completed difficult tasks. And “eureka” also seems to apply these days as a motto for NürnbergMesse Group. Because according to CEO Dr Roland Fleck, fiscal year 2018 was something like a step into a new dimension: sales of EUR 315.1 million, a profit of EUR 28 million and an EBITDA of EUR 67.9 million. Key financial figures founded on a mighty record of organised events: more than 35,000 exhibitors, more than 1.5 million visitors, and more than 1.2 million square meters of net exhibition space. On top of that, according to Fleck’s fellow CEO Peter Ottmann, Greek market leader FORUM SA will join the NürnbergMesse Group as its largest international subsidiary.

    NürnbergMesse, Greece

    In substance, then, the two NürnbergMesse CEOs made one thing perfectly clear at their financial press conference in Athens: “We’ve achieved the goals we set in our corporate strategy two whole years ahead of schedule. And that major step forward will give us the momentum we need to approach the next chapter of the NürnbergMesse success story.” Strategically, investing in Greece’s Number 1 trade show organiser provides access to an events portfolio whose “BIOFESTIVAL” (8-10 May 2020), “FOOD TECH” (12-14 October 2019) and “OENOTELIA” (7-9 March 2020) are excellent fits with such leading Nuremberg exhibitions as BIOFACH (12-15 February 2020), BrauBeviale (12-14 November 2019) and FachPack (24-26 September 2019). And quite apart from the Greek portfolio, a foothold in Athens offers excellent market development opportunities in the direction of Italy, the Balkans, and the entire Mediterranean.

    New events in 2019/2020: 8 in Greece, 2 in Mexico, 4 in Brazil, 1 in China, 1 in India

    In addition to entering the Greek market with eight trade shows already established there, further business options are also opening up for NürnbergMesse. From 29 to 31 July 2020, Central America’s biggest beverage trade show, Beviale Mexico, will be held at the Centro Citibanamex, covering the industry’s entire process chain. And from 10 to 12 November 2020, EUROGUSS Mexico will debut at the Expo Guadalajara exhibition centre. All in all, NürnbergMesse is thus not only focusing its product family strategy in Mexico on an important growth market, but also getting two new trade shows established right off the bat, with very good outlooks. The portfolio is also growing in the markets served by NürnbergMesse’s existing international subsidiaries. For example, EXPO REVESTIR (interiors and plumbing fixtures) has made its debut in Brazil. Other new developments scheduled for 2019 are the LATAM RETAIL SHOW (retail, franchising, e-commerce, 27-29 August 2019), Pet Experience (pet supplies, 30 August-1 September 2019) and ABRAFATI (colourings and coatings, 1-3 October 2019), all in São Paulo. In Shanghai, PAK-iD (packaging, processes and technology) has had its premiere, and in India, India Mattresstech Expo (mattress and upholstery technology, Bangalore) has joined the events schedule, along with the integration of the three new wood processing exhibitions DELHIWOOD, MUMBAIWOOD und INDIAWOOD. So all in all, the NürnbergMesse Group’s international events portfolio continues to proliferate, and thanks to the product family strategy the company has adopted, there is still considerable room for growth.

    NürnbergMesse, Fiscal Year 2018

    Nuremberg home location also performs well in 2019

    NürnbergMesse will continues to build its already considerable strength at its home location. The ten international trade shows from the year’s first half grew so vigorously (exhibitors: +8%, exhibitor booth space: +6%, visitors +3%) that the combined increases would almost have amounted to a whole new leading exhibition of the same size as it-sa. One development especially worth mentioning in this connection was the impressive launch of MedtecLIVE (save the date: 31 March-2 April 2020), which in its very first iteration already became the second-largest professional gathering for medical technology and suppliers. It will also be interesting to see how the new “kicker Convention” places on 7 November 2019. This event is a cooperative effort by Olympia-Verlag/kicker and NürnbergMesse, to illuminate all aspects of sports management and the enticing concept of “eSport”.

    The new Hall 3C, included in the facilities schedule for the first time with iENA and SPS at the end of 2018, will also play a strategically important role for the company, according to Dr Fleck. “It not only represents our biggest single investment to date, at some EUR 70 million, but is a genuine gain for our exhibitors and visitors. Platinum certified by the German Sustainable Building Council, a design icon, and an urgently needed exhibition space – we’re delighted that our Hall 3C, designed by Zaha Hadid Architects, is meeting with such a warm welcome.” And it’s clear to Peter Ottmann that “based on 2018 as the most successful fiscal year in the company’s history, we’ll continue our dynamic performance in 2019, and we expect consolidated sales of more than EUR 270 million.” Archimedes might well have said “eureka”.

    About NürnbergMesse Group

    NürnbergMesse is one of the 15 largest exhibition companies in the world. It comprises NürnbergMesse GmbH and its 15 subsidiaries and affiliates.The company employs more than 1,000 people at eleven locations in Germany, Brazil, China, India, Italy, Greece, Austria and the USA. NürnbergMesse Group also has a network of international representatives operating in more than 100 countries. The portfolio covers some 120 national and international exhibitions and congresses. Every year, about 35,000 exhibitors (international share: 44%) and up to 1.5 million visitors (international share of trade visitors: 26%) participate in the own, partner and guest events of the NürnbergMesse Group.

    Rm. 3507-3510, Tower 1, Kerry Everbright City No. 218 Tianmu Rd. (W) 200070
    Shanghai P.R.China
    Tel: +86(0)21.6036-1206
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