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    2024紐倫堡會展電動汽車技術論壇預告 E-mobility Technology Conference Plan

    Participate in 2 or more conferences and enjoy a 20% discount on registration! 
    Register and make payment by the end of December to receive a 30% discount!


    Hydrogen Dialogue (China)




    Hydrogen Dialogue起源于德國紐倫堡,平臺匯聚了德國眾多氫能產業鏈核心企業,涵蓋制氫、儲氫、加氫、用氫等領域。依托紐倫堡博覽集團全球資源,成功落地巴西,Hydrogen Dialogue(Brazil)成為拉丁美洲領先的氫能產業交流平臺,促進德國-巴西氫能產業的合作。融合中德雙方優勢資源,Hydrogen Dialogue首次落地中國,我們致力于把Hydrogen Dialogue(China)打造中國乃至亞太地區領先的氫能產業交流平臺,促進中國-德國-亞太地區氫能產業的合作。

    "Hydrogen Dialogue" originated in Nürnberg, Germany, and serves as a platform that brings together core enterprises from Germany's diverse hydrogen industry chain, covering areas such as hydrogen production, hydrogen storage, hydrogen refueling, and hydrogen utilization. Leveraging the global resources of the NürnbergMesse Group, the platform has successfully expanded to Brazil, establishing itself as a leading hydrogen industry exchange platform in Latin America and facilitating collaboration between the hydrogen industries of Germany and Brazil.By integrating the strengths and resources of both China and Germany, Hydrogen Dialogue is making its inaugural entry into the Chinese market. Our commitment is to build Hydrogen Dialogue (China) into a leading platform for hydrogen industry exchange in China and even the Asia-Pacific region. This initiative aims to foster collaboration among China, Germany, and the Asia-Pacific region in the field of hydrogen energy.


    Next-Gen Intelligent Vehicle E/E Architecture Conference


    2024.10.29-30 | Shanghai


    E/ETec2023由紐倫堡國際博覽集團(NürnbergMesse)和NE時代(NE Times)聯合主辦,也是行業內首個全面聚焦于 “新一代電子電氣架構及控制器技術”的專業會議。E/ETec2023憑借其專業性及前瞻性,受到現場嘉賓的一致好評。


    E/ETec2023 is co-organized by NürnbergMesse and NE Times and stands as the industry's first specialized conference entirely focused on 'Next-Generation Electronic Electrical Architecture and Controller Technology.' Recognized for its professionalism and forward-thinking approach, E/ETec2023 received unanimous praise from attendees for its comprehensive coverage of the subject.

    E/ETec2024, we aim to further optimize the conference agenda structure, enhance the overall technical content, and expand business services. Collaborating with industry peers, we are committed to continuously driving the development of electronic electrical architecture forward.

    E/ETec2023 新一代智能汽車電子電氣架構技術大會 精彩回顧 




    2024.10.29-30 | Shanghai




    EVTec was established in 2014 and has been dedicated to creating a professional platform for in-depth exchanges within the automotive industry, both domestically and internationally. With a powerful comeback in EVTec2023, the conference closely follows international trends in the automotive sector, focusing on new energy sources, electrification, and agendas related to companies expanding overseas. The speaker lineup includes a higher proportion of domestic experts, ensuring the conference maintains its high level of professionalism and international relevance while meeting localized demands, offering extensive networking opportunities for both domestic and international attendees.

    EVTec2024 will continue its commitment to serving as a platform for exchanges within the domestic and international automotive industries. The conference will persistently concentrate on global automotive technological trends, fostering mutual understanding and communication among domestic and international enterprises within the automotive supply chain. Additionally, it will reinforce discussions on topics like companies expanding globally, contributing to the globalization and collaboration of Chinese enterprises.

    EVTec2023 中國國際電動汽車會議 精彩回顧

    EVTec2020 中國國際電動汽車會議 精彩回顧

    EVTec2019 中國國際電動汽車會議 精彩回顧


    • 參會及贊助請聯系


    NürnbergMesse China Co., Ltd.

    宋女士 Sunny Song

    Tel:+86-21-6036 1216


    馮先生 Jagger Feng 

    Tel:+86-21-6036 1213


    孫小姐 Jessica Sun

    Tel:+86-21-6036 1205


    電話:+86(0)21.6036 1206
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