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    POWTECH and PARTEC 2023 – three days of processing and particle technology at the highest level

    From 26 to 28 September 2023, POWTECH in Nuremberg will once again become the hot spot for international experts in processing technology from a wide range of user segments, especially the food and feed, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries. In four exhibition halls, 553 exhibitors from 27 countries – predominantly from Europe – will showcase the latest solutions in processing technology and analysis for bulk solids, powders and liquids. The extensive and wide-ranging supporting programme featuring expert forums, special shows and live demonstrations offers compactly presented information and inspiring knowledge-sharing. Once again, a particular highlight of the event will be the co-located scientific congress PARTEC, where 480 delegates will enjoy high-calibre lectures on current developments in particle technology.

    “POWTECH is a trade fair for and by the industry’s movers and shakers, and you can feel their passion in every single hall. This is where experts from a wide range of specialist segments meet their peers to discuss new processing and analysis methods and share valuable practical knowledge. In doing so, they join forces to shape the future of the industry,” says Heike Slotta, Executive Director Exhibitions at NürnbergMesse, describing the distinctive character of the trade fair in a nutshell.

    Forty-three per cent of this year’s POWTECH exhibitors are from abroad. After Germany, experts from Italy, Switzerland, the Netherlands, the UK and Austria are particularly well represented, while China is also up there among the top ten exhibiting countries.

    Visitors from nearly all user segments

    As one of the leading processing trade fairs in the sector, POWTECH offers solutions for numerous segments, including food and feed, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, construction materials, ceramics, and environmental and recycling technology. Marianny Eisenhofer, Director of POWTECH, expands: “We explicitly included the cosmetics and battery industries in the portfolio this year. Cosmetics manufacturers are required to expertly handle pulverous, paste-like and liquid products. POWTECH will provide them with proposed solutions to meet current challenges. Battery experts can also look forward to solutions to reconcile improved battery efficiency with optimised manufacturing processes.”

    Thanks to this highly diverse and high-quality content, POWTECH not only attracts experts from Europe but also from major global processing markets. And the visitors are not only end users. Machine and equipment manufacturers are also an important segment of the POWTECH community and attend the event to learn about the latest components, systems and collaboration opportunities.

    PARTEC explores the latest research developments in particle technology

    Parallel to the trade fair, the three-day scientific congress PARTEC will be back this year in the NCC Ost congress centre at the Nuremberg exhibition venue. At the congress, which is part of the NürnbergMesse portfolio and sponsored by the VDI Association of Process and Chemical Engineering (GVC), researchers, graduates and development engineers present particle technology research of the highest calibre. This year, 480 delegates will travel to Nuremberg for the congress, providing valuable input to the POWTECH programme with their sound scientific expertise. Time slots for going around the trade fair and talking to POWTECH experts have been specifically included in the congress programme. Alongside the presentations and awards ceremonies, there is also plenty of interest in the practice-driven talks by BASF and Nestlé.

    Expertise to go!

    Information, inspiration and impetus – these buzzwords are brought to life in the extensive, wide-ranging POWTECH supporting programme, where visitors can enjoy a blend of old favourites and new features:

    This year, two “stagetalks” expert forums in Hall 4 offer high-calibre, compact presentations at 30-minute intervals every day between 9:30 and 17:30. The expert forums stagetalks I at Stand 4-100 and stagetalks II at Stand 4-325 offer knowledge-to-go on the following topics: Fluids meet Solids, Food goes Powder, Future Energies, New Food, Perfection in the Supply Chain, Process Optimization and Industry 4.0, Sustainability, Safety and Security, and Special Young Talent. In addition, every day between 10:00 and 14:00, a major thread of stagetalks II will focus on pharmaceutical production. As one of POWTECH’s institutional sponsors, the APV ((International Association for Pharmaceutical Technology) played a key role in putting the programme together. The main topics will be Analytics and Characterisation, Development and Manufacturing, Fill and Finish, and Lyophilisation (freeze-drying). There is no need to register for any of these sessions, which are free of charge.

    The VDMA Special Show in Hall 2, Stand 2-204, allows trade visitors to observe first-hand the process chain of the bulk solids industry, from mechanical and thermal processes to air technology. For the first time, the VDMA Special Show at POWTECH will be organised by its Air Handling Technology and Process Plant and Equipment associations. The Speaker’s Corner also offers a comprehensive programme of presentations. In addition, visitors to the stand can discuss topical issues in machine and plant construction with VDMA representatives and learn about the innovative strength of the sector.

    German start-ups and young companies will use the “Innovation Made in Germany” Pavilion in Hall 4, Stand 4-453 as a platform to promote their innovations and make new business contacts with interested visitors.

    The Networking Pavilion in Hall 1 is the ideal venue to join in the conversation and discuss interesting topics and trends in processing technology. The focus is on networking among like-minded professionals. Alongside international start-ups, this pavilion will also feature the DSIV (German Powder and Bulk Association) and other process engineering experts.

    The POWTECH Campus Pavilion in Hall 1 offers a direct point of contact for students who wish to find out more about the world of process engineering, get to know potential employers, and explore the options provided by prestigious universities and other tertiary establishments. At Student Day on Thursday 28 September 2023, POWTECH puts students centre-stage. The programme includes a digital guided tour to experience the highlights of the trade fair. All students who successfully complete the tour can then take part in a prize draw to win a voucher for concert tickets.

    The live demonstrations of explosion protection measures in the exhibition park are a true crowd-pullerThe REMBE Research + Technology Center (RTC) makes sure that visitors can see – and above all feel – the effects of an explosion. Spectators can find out how protective systems work through demonstrations on real-life industrial equipment. The bangs from the explosions can be heard twice a day in the exhibition park at noon (13:00 on Wednesday) and 16:00 (15:00 on Thursday).

    Rm. 3507-3510, Tower 1, Kerry Everbright City No. 218 Tianmu Rd. (W) 200070
    Shanghai P.R.China
    Tel: +86(0)21.6036-1206
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