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    IPB 2019 a big hit with exhibitors and visitors


    Highly satisfied exhibitors and visitors at the International Powder & Bulk Solids Processing Conference & Exhibition (IPB) in Shanghai: The three-day exhibition closed on 18 October 2019 with visitor numbers up 30 percent on the previous year and an increase in display area of 19 percent. Apart from the comprehensive range of innovative technology for particle, powder and bulk solids processing, the event also offered an impressive, high-calibre supporting programme with renowned speakers from all around the world. In 2020 the IPB will be rescheduled and will take place in July for the first time.

    At the 17th round of the IPB, 177 companies showcased innovations from mechanical process engineering and auxiliary technologies. The range on display featured machinery and equipment for pulverising, mixing, separating and agglomerating powders and bulk solids of all kinds as well as solutions for measuring, characterising and transporting granules. On an exhibition area measuring more than 3,000 square meters, the IPB therefore brought together the entire spectrum of modern process engineering solutions for industries like food, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, pit and quarry, recycling and other sectors that process bulk solids. Around 30 percent of exhibitors are internationally renowned companies including leading innovators like Rembe, Netzsch, Malvern-Panalytics, Wam, Hoerbiger, Aviteq, Sympatec, Kawata, Schenck, and many more.

    The comprehensive product range attracted 11,366 visitors to hall 4 of the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Conference Center (SWEECC) – a new record for the IPB and proof of the unabated growth potential of process engineering industries in China.

    Supporting programme with top speakers

    The IPB conference programme offered visitors added value. The organisers – the Chinese Society of Particuology and NürnbergMesse China – were once again able to get high-calibre speakers from China and all over the world on board. The highlights included the IND EX Safety Symposium, which covered the latest Chinese safety standards adopted in 2019 and presented customised solutions. The speakers included the authors of the new guidelines as well as explosion protection experts from around the world. “The new safety standards call for products and solutions that effectively minimise the risks in powder and bulk solid production,” explains Stefan Penno, Managing Director of Rembe Safety + Control and co-founder of IND EX e.V. “As part of our trade fair appearance we highlighted these solutions in the Safety Symposium. The IPB is the ideal place to address the Chinese market and help shape the economic development in the country along with local customers and partners.”

    Other areas of focus in the programme included pharmaceutical production and solutions for the general processing and handling of bulk solids. Some presentations also provided tips on successful intercultural business initiation.

    New schedule offers best future prospects

    With the forthcoming IPB the organisers are heralding a new chapter in the success story of the exhibition. In 2020 the event will relocate for the first time to the even more attractive upper floor of the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center. This means that IPB 2020 will run from 29 to 31 July, parallel to the chemical industry fair Utech Asia. “We are looking forward to offering our exhibitors and visitors an even more attractive and highly professional environment in 2020 as a result of the hall upgrade,” says Kate Yuan, Manager IPB at NürnbergMesse China. “The parallel Utech exhibition will also significantly increase our potential to attract visitors from the chemical industry. So IPB 2020 is already promising to be a resounding success!”

    Interested exhibitors can register immediately at: www.ipbexpo.com

    Process engineering worldwide

    POWTECH World is a global network of trade fairs and conferences related to mechanical processing technology. The POWTECH World events form the ideal platform for global knowledge-sharing and new, worldwide business connections. Other forthcoming POWTECH World Events:

    • IPB China

    International Powder & Bulk Solids Processing Conference & Exhibition, 29–31 July 2020, Shanghai, China


    Leading Trade Fair for Powder & Bulk Solids Processing and Analytics, 29 September–1 October 2020, Nuremberg

    • POWTECH India
      9–11 September 2020, Mumbai, India
    Rm. 3507-3510, Tower 1, Kerry Everbright City No. 218 Tianmu Rd. (W) 200070
    Shanghai P.R.China
    Tel: +86(0)21.6036-1206
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