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    Bavarian Capabilities Pooled in China
    Hanns Seidel Foundation and NürnbergMesse cooperating in China
    Focus: Enhancing NürnbergMesse China’s trade shows with the successful “Vocational Training: Made in Germany” model
    Secretary General Dr Witterauf and NürnbergMesse CEOs Dr Fleck and Ottmann ink partnership

    Many countries all over the world – including China – hold the “dual system” in high regard as a desirable model for vocational training at both basic and advanced levels. That’s why the Hanns Seidel Foundation and NürnbergMesse have entered into an exclusive agreement on cooperating in China. Dr Peter Witterauf, the foundation’s Secretary General, says it’s a logical next step: “Both partners are highly skilled in their own fields. Pooling those capabilities now, as two Bavarian expert organisations standing shoulder to shoulder in China, is a good approach.” NürnbergMesse Group CEO Dr Roland Fleck views the cooperative arrangement as a gain first and foremost for clients: “The trade show expertise we already have in China will now be expanded with a capability in vocational training. Added value that will especially benefit the professionals who attend our trade shows in China.” 

    EVTec (Electric Vehicle Technologies Conference) and FUMOTec 
    (Future Mobility Technology) 2018, which will be held at the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center from 22 to 24 October 2018, are the first events in China that will be included in the new cooperative arrangement. Both events focus on energy technologies, new materials and automotive topics – which also explains the close association with the matter of skilled workers. The Hanns Seidel Foundation, for its part, has been an established institution in China for these matters for decades, and has a deeply rooted network that is now being expanded with the “trade show factor”. But Fleck’s Co-CEO Peter Ottmann says this is just a starting point, with more to come: “Our automotive events are an obvious point of connection for vocational training, because this is where our clients have the most intense pressure for action. And additionally, our broad portfolio of trade shows in China will offer a great many other points for our cooperative relationship to link into.” 

    NürnbergMesse China has an attractive portfolio
    NürnbergMesse, which has been operating in China for more than a decade now, will be organizing eight trade shows in that country in 2018: CRAFT BEER CHINA (beverage technology, 16-18 May 2018), BIOFACH CHINA (organic food, 24-26 May 2018), Greenery & Landscaping China (29-31 May 2018), CHINA DIECASTING (18-20 July 2018), International Powder & Bulk Solids Processing Conference & Exhibition (17-19 October 2018), CHINACAST (casting technology, 15-17 November 2018) and, as already mentioned above, FUMOTec (automotive technology) and EVTec (electromobility). 

    Like NürnbergMesse, the Hanns Seidel Foundation also has its own office in Shanghai (not to mention other locations). Its involvement in China primarily concerns matters of educational and social policy, as well as rural development. Dr Witterauf views vocational training at all levels as the main focus of the foundation’s China activities: “Our harmonious collaboration with the Shanghai Vocational Training Centre and the Chinese-German Vocational University in Shanghai are the flag bearers for our cooperative efforts. We’re already looking forward to collaborating further with NürnbergMesse in China.” 

    About the NürnbergMesse Group
    NürnbergMesse is one of the 15 largest exhibition companies in the world. Its portfolio covers some 120 national and international exhibitions and congresses and approximately 40 sponsored pavilions at the Nuremberg location and worldwide. Every year, over 30,000 exhibitors (international share: 41%) and up to 1.4 million visitors (international share of trade visitors: 24%) participate in the own, partner and guest events. NürnbergMesse has subsidiaries in China, North America, Brazil, Italy and India. The group also has a network of about 50 representatives operating in over 100 countries. 
    Rm. 3507-3510, Tower 1, Kerry Everbright City No. 218 Tianmu Rd. (W) 200070
    Shanghai P.R.China
    Tel: +86(0)21.6036-1206
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