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    Perimeter Protection

    About Exhibition

    Perimeter Protection offers everything related to mechanical, electrical and electronic protection measures for outdoor areas and building protection.
    With this unique combination, the trade fair in Nuremberg has achieved Europe-wide unique position among security trade fairs. Over the course of three days, everything revolves around fence and gate systems, access and access control, monitoring and alarm systems, focusing on the areas of outdoor areas and sensitive building facilities.
    As an international trade fair for perimeter protection, fence technology and building security, Perimeter Protection will once again be the international meeting point for the security industry in 2025. The accompanying specialist forum provides a comprehensive overview of current developments and trends in the industry and provides valuable tips and experiences for anyone interested. Here, companies and institutions present their technical know-how and offerings to visitors to the trade fair and specialist lectures in free, technically sound lectures. The forum is designed in collaboration with the Association for Security Technology eV and the UAV Dach eV , which ensures that the lectures address current topics and focus on innovative approaches and novel solutions.
    Be there in 2025 when Perimeter Protection brings together experts from all over the world from January 14th to 16th at the Nuremberg exhibition center and network with international experts in the security industry!

    Nuremberg Exhibition Center

    14 to 16 January 2025

    every two years
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