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    Pet South America

    PET South America - International Trade Show for Pet and Veterinary Products and Services
    The largest gathering of the pet and veterinary sector in Latin America! The event is divided into 2 areas: PET GROOM, for hygiene and beauty, and PET CARE, for services, accessories and retail nutrition.
    All the products, services and concepts that will soon be on the market are presented here. Bringing together all the industry professionals, both national and from other Latin American countries, PET South America offers a highly qualified business environment, a lot of networking opportunities and professional updating, in addition to hosting conferences on relevant and current content. The presentations are free and aimed at the development of businesspeople, entrepreneurs and professionals from physical and virtual pet shops.
    In the PET GROOM area, you can find hygiene, aesthetic and animal beauty companies. In addition, there is also the MasterGroom event, an international level competition with more than 700 competitors, hundreds of animals and dozens of viewers. The competition, open to the trade show public, is broadcasted live on the event social media and has more than 15 categories, evaluated by 20 judges.
    The PET CARE area is dedicated to services, accessories and retail nutrition companies. It also offers a space dedicated entirely to fishkeeping and aquarium companies, created in partnership with the Brazilian Association of Fishkeeping Shops (Abla), featuring the main specialists on ornamental fish. Finally, there is the bird sector, featuring specialized companies.
    PET South America is the most comprehensive pet show in Latin America and provides everything you need to develop and grow your business, as well as opportunities for networking and furthering professional knowledge.
    Date: August 16 to 18, 2023
    Time: From 1:00 pm to 9:00 pm
    Local: São Paulo Expo Exhibition & Convention Center
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