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    Glass South America - International Exhibition
    for Design and Technology for the Glass Industry
    The 13th Edition of the Glass South America is the most important biennial event of glass industry in Latin America. There are more than 200 brands on the exhibition, and the event gathers 13 thousand visitors, who are qualified professionals in the industry looking for new technologies, suppliers and networking.
    Exhibitors Profile
    They are exhibitors of Glass South America companies present innovations, trends, products, raw materials, services and information essential for the flat glass market. With a focus on technology and design for the construction, architecture, furniture and automotive industry, the trade show presents the best in glass applications, machines, equipment and accessories.
    Visitors Profile
    Glass South America reaches a qualified audience of professionals linked to the automotive , furniture, households, decoration and civil construction industry, as well as architects, designers, locksmiths and glass worker. Machinery, equipment, tools, flat glass, photovoltaic energy, hardware and accessories. With this services and products range, purchasers, professionals and executive officers will find several solutions for their project.
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