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    ACREX India

    About Exhibition
    The 24th edition of ACREX India in Bengaluru stands as the apex of South Asia's HVAC industry. More than an exhibition, it's a transformative experience catapulting the industry into the future. With the theme "Unleashing India’s Potential For A Responsible Built Environment," it serves as a powerhouse of innovation, featuring cutting-edge technologies and sustainable solutions. ACREX India 2025 is where HVAC pioneers unveil groundbreaking products, redefining the landscape and propelling the industry towards an era of Decarbonization, Innovation & Automation. This dynamic convergence of minds in Bengaluru fosters collaboration among industry professionals, policymakers, engineers, and thought leaders. ACREX India isn't just a trade show; it's a commitment to excellence and a catalyst for shaping a future where Air Conditioning, Heating, Ventilation and building services embody efficiency and sustainability against the backdrop of Bengaluru's dynamic spirit and technological prowess.

    20 to 22 February 2025
    every year
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