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    About Exhibition

    The place to be for the beverage industry's expert community
    BrauBeviale in Nuremberg is one of the leading trade fairs for the global beverage industry. Its focus lies on the European market
    It has been held annually at the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg since 1979, except in the drinktec years.
    For three days, BrauBeviale offers the international beverage industry community a central platform for professional and personal dialogue, showcases innovations and provides impetus.
    Relaxed working atmosphere
    BrauBeviale is the platform for small and medium-sized companies and start-ups in the beverage industry – but global players also appreciate the relaxed working atmosphere.
    The exhibitors offer products and solutions along the entire process chain for the production of beer, water, soft drinks, fruit juice, wine, sparkling wine and spirits. The offer ranges from raw materials, technologies and components to packaging, accessories and marketing ideas. 
    Meeting place for the European beverage industry
    BrauBeviale attracts visitors from the entire beverage industry from 138 countries – the focus is clearly on Europe with around 85% of visitors.
    However, it is much more than just a meeting place for business partners. In keeping with the motto: "We unite variety", friends, colleagues and former fellow students meet here every year to exchange ideas, network and do business in a familiar and creative atmosphere. Tradition and many years of experience meet inspiration and the latest trends. The content of the supporting programme focuses on current topics in Europe.     
    The Association of Private Breweries in Bavaria (Verband der Privaten Brauereien Bayern e.V.) supports BrauBeviale with its professional expertise as a conceptual sponsor, creative partner and with its flagship, the European Beer Star.

    Exhibition Centre Nuremberg

    26 to 28 November 2024

    every year
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