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    About Exhibition
    HOME OF IT SECURITY – it-sa Expo&Congress
    The it-sa platform is the HOME OF IT SECURITY: With the it-sa Expo&Congress, it-sa offers an exhibition home to everyone who is professionally dedicated to IT security.
    The trade fair is one of the world's largest dialogue platforms for industry-specific IT security solutions. It brings together experts on site in Nuremberg and is a trend barometer for the entire IT security market with current topics, specialist forum contributions and inspiring presentations. The accompanying congress programme Congress@it-sa offers scope for in-depth professional exchanges on concrete questions and specific challenges.
    From 22 to 24 October 2024, international IT security experts and decision-makers will once again meet at Exhibition Centre Nuremberg to exchange views on challenges and trends in cyber security.
    Welcome to the world of IT security!

    Nuremberg Exhibition Centre

    22 to 24 October 2024
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