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    European trade fair for packaging, processing and technology
    The packaging sector is set to meet in the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg from 24 - 26 September 2024.
    With new trends, new perspectives, and new opportunities, the European packaging sector is brimming with diversity and dynamism – and FachPack showcases all the highlights and defines the main areas of focus. It offers an outstanding spectrum of products for packaging, packaging machines, and packaging processes, and an impressive complexity in packaging and labelling technology, intralogistics and packaging logistics, packaging materials, PrintPack, package printing and finishing.
    FachPack brings together more than 1,600 exhibitors from the packaging process chain in 12 exhibition halls with roughly 45,000 trade visitors from packaging-intensive sectors.
    In a compact, three-day programme, the latest innovations and developments in the packaging sector take centre-stage and generate new ideas and projects for the future – because tomorrow begins when you create it.
    Exhibition Centre Nuremberg
    24 to 26 September 2024
    annually, pauses every 3 years
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