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    About Exhibition
    MedtecLIVE is the platform for medical technology in Europe.

    With its focus on the digital, automated, sustainable and resilient development and production of medical technology, MedtecLIVE creates an unrivaled future relevance among all medical technology events. But MedtecLIVE is more than just a trade fair. MedtecLIVE also connects the community online all year round. This is where medical technology is spoken and understood 100%. Diverse formats tailored to the needs of the industry offer solutions, inspiration and orientation.
    MedtecLIVE 2024 in Stuttgart is easily accessible and centrally located. After all, the heart of medical technology in Germany beats in southern Germany. And Europe, with Germany as its main market, is one of the world's three leading markets for the development and manufacture of medical technology alongside the USA and China.

    Messe Stuttgart
    Messepiazza 1
    70629 Stuttgart
    Opening hours
    Tuesday, 18 June 2024: 09:00 - 17:00
    Wednesday, 19 June 2024: 09:00 - 17:00
    Thursday, 20 June 2024: 09:00 - 16:00

    every year
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