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    IWA & OutdoorClassics

    Over 40 Years of the IWA OutdoorClassics Success Story in Nuremberg
    The national product show for the retail gun trade and gunsmiths opened its doors in Nuremberg for the first time in 1974 with just under 100 exhibitors. The international name IWA OutdoorClassics is due to the rapidly increased importance beyond the borders of Germany and the multi-theme range of products, which covers the spectrum between traditional craftsmanship and innovative ideas for outdoor equipment, functional clothing, hunting sports and shooting sports.
    This year, IWA OutdoorClassics presents a more attractive, more colourful and more comprehensive event that is a must for trade and industry.
    The Key Figures for IWA OutdoorClassics 2019
    Over the last 46 years IWA OutdoorClassics has developed into a world-leading trade fair for hunting, shooting sports, equipment for outdoor activities and for civilian and official security applications. 61 % of the 45,476 trade visitors in 2019 came to Nuremberg from 122 countries outside Germany and 81% of the altogether 1,619 exhibitors too. IWA OutdoorClassics offers an unparalleled international spectrum of products.
    97 % of the exhibitors reached their most important target groups
    93 % of the exhibitors were satisfied with the overall success of their participation
    97 % of the exhibitors established new business relations
    86 % of the visitors are involved in purchasing decisions in their company.
    Exhibition Centre Nuremberg
    29 February-2 March 2024
    every year
    Opening times
    Daily: 09:00 - 18:00
    Sunday: 09:00 - 16:00
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