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    VIVANESS - International Trade Fair for Natural and Organic Personal Care
    The cosmetics sector meets at the cosmetics exhibition from 13 - 16 February 2024.

    Nature has always been regarded as a source of energy and the best supplier of active ingredients for holistic care, vitalization and underlining people’s natural beauty. VIVANESS in the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg is the International Trade Fair for Natural and Organic Personal Care. It brings together the traditional with the modern and pioneers with newcomers from the international cosmetics sector in a unique manner. These present products to industry professionals from all the relevant sales channels, such as natural food specialist stores and also retailers such as specialised online stores, chemists, drugstores and perfumeries.

    The perfect opportunity for natural and organic cosmetics manufacturers, natural and organic cosmetics buyers, natural and organic cosmetics traders and service providers to make new business contacts and experience the variety of natural beauty products in a relaxed atmosphere. Enter the world of care, too – into natural beauty.
    Exhibition Centre Nuremberg
    together with BIOFACH

    13-16 February 2024

    every year
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